
About Us

The Galveston County Republican Party pledges to provide both vision and effective leadership for our citizens. “We are committed to advancing limited government, lower taxes, less spending and individual liberty. Our specific goals are to grow the Republican Party by reaching new voters, advance the Platform, which is grounded in conservative principle, and to keep Texas prosperous and free.” ~ The Republican Party of Texas

Our Leadership

Patrick J. McGinnis, MD, MS, MBA, Chairman
Patrick J. McGinnis, MD, MS, MBA, Chairman
Gabriel Allen, Vice Chairman
Gabriel Allen, Vice Chairman
Sean Saunders, Treasurer
Sean Saunders, Treasurer
Robin Tyra, Secretary
Robin Tyra, Secretary

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GCRP CEC Meeting & Agenda March 26th

Galveston County Republican Party
County Executive Committee

Wednesday, March 26, 2025
6:30 PM
Location: Bay Colony West HOA Community Center
6621 Calder Road, League City, TX  77573


  1. Call to Order: Chairman Patrick J. McGinnis
  2. Invocation
  3. Pledges
  4. Roll Call of CEC members (if necessary)
  5. Approval of the Minutes
    • December 16, 2024 GCRP CEC meeting
  6. Committee Reports and action items
    • Precinct Chair Vacancy report: Andy Mann
      1. Applicant: Stefanie Severin
    • Treasurer Report: Sean Saunders
    • Finance Committee report: Dave Smith
    • Scholarship committee report: Pam Schwertner
    • Rules, Resolutions and Bylaws report: Loretta Roberts
      1. Follow-up regarding endorsements in non-partisan races
      2. Bylaw proposal
    • Candidate endorsement committee report: Dave Smith
      1. Scott Bowen v. Rebecca Lilly for CCISD At-Large
      2. Joe Machol for CCISD Position 1
      3. Kevin Edmonds for Dickinson City Council
      4. Scott Higginbotham for League City Council
    • Education and Outreach: Bruce Woodcock
    • Other Committees as necessary
  7. Update for utilities regarding office and storage space
  8. Fundraising and Events
    • Consultant: Sarah Lauer
    • Lincoln Reagan Dinner
    • TBD: Top Golf or other gathering
  9. New Business and Announcements
    • Proposed Tentative Dates for Regular CEC meetings in 2025: TBD late June i.e.; week of June 16 or of June 23; TBD 3 rd Quarter i.e. week or September 9 or of September 16; TBD 4th Quarter i.e. week of November 18 to avoid Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
  10. Adjournment

Immediately following the CEC meeting,
the RPT Chairman has issued the

Meeting calls for SD-11 / SD-4 Convention Chairs


The State Chair must call meetings for senate districts that cross county lines to
elect the SD chair. That person serves as your temporary senate district
convention chair.

For further information please see TEC§171.054