Senate District Convention News and Updates

Convention Online Registration is now open for all delegates and alternates.  You’ll need your VUID (can be found here)then follow the links below to get started!  

Upon completing your online registration, you will receive a confirmation page where you can select View Your Registration and find a list of all available hotels in the room blocks.  There are negotiated special rates for convention attendees, but please note that the cutoff dates for making your reservation vary from hotel to hotel. 

Now that Senate District Conventions are behind us, we are collecting all the forms for the State Convention. Once all counties get their delegate lists submitted and confirmed, we will open online registration. If you are an active Grassroots Club Member you will receive 24-hours advance notice for registration before it is opened to delegates and alternates. 

The host hotel is the Grand Hyatt, followed by the Marriott Riverwalk & Marriott Rivercenter, and the Hyatt Regency.  All of these hotels are within easy walking distance to the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.  Once attrition at those hotels is met, we have additional overflow hotels close by to accommodate guests.  We look forward to everyone joining us in San Antonio May 20-25, 2024.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at the number below.

For God and Texas,
Gaylyn R. DeVine, Committeewoman
State Republican Executive Committee
2024 State Convention Planning Chair
Senate District 11
C: 832.250.8901

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Road to State and National Republican Conventions

Join Dr. Robin Armstrong, RNC Committeeman as Speaker to state convention delegates and alternates
Tuesday, April 16th
Location: GCRP Headquarters

Dr. Armstrong HQ speaker

Galveston County Republican Party – Senate District Conventions

Saturday, March 23 
Johnny Arolfo Civic Center
400 W. Walker Street
League City, TX 77573

SD4 begins at 9:00am in Room 4
SD11 begins at 9:30am in the Ballroom

2024 State Delegate Application Form

Please complete this form and submit by Thursday, March 21, 2024

The SD11 Temporary Rules Committee will meet Tuesday,
March 19th at 6:30 PM and Thursday, March 21st at 6:30 PM.

The meeting will be held at the
GCRP headquarters, 801 W. Main St. Suite 803, League City, Texas.

This is a courtesy notice for those that would like to attend.
Temporary Rules Chair: Gabe Allen

The SD11 Temporary Resolutions Committee will meet Sunday,
March 17th at 1:00 PM.

The meeting will be held at the
GCRP headquarters, 801 W. Main St. Suite 803, League City, Texas.

This is a courtesy notice for those that would like to attend.
Temporary Resolutions Chair: Dr. Patrick McGinnis

The SD-11 Temporary Nominations Committee will meet Saturday,
March 16th 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM (or sooner if able) and
Wednesday, March 20th 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM (or later if needed).

The meetings will be held at the
GCRP headquarters, 801 W. Main St. Suite 803, League City, Texas.

This is a courtesy notice for those that would like to attend.
Temporary Nominations Chair: Della Brown

The SD11 Permanent Organization Committee will meet Saturday,
March 16th at 9:00 AM. 

The meeting will be held at the
GCRP headquarters, 801 W. Main St. Suite 803, League City, Texas

This is a courtesy notice for those that would like to attend.
Permanent Organization Chair: Mayor Nick Long

Meeting on Friday, March 15th and Saturday, March 16th (if necessary)
from 10:00AM – 4:00PM.

The meetings will be held at the
GCRP Headquarters, 801 West Main St., Suite 803, League City, TX. 

This is a courtesy notice for those that would like to attend.
Temporary Credentials Chair: Roxann Lewis

Notice of Canvass:

The GCRP will conduct the canvass of the Galveston County Republican primary election results.

Thursday March 14, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Location: GCRP Headquarter
801 W. Main St., Suite 803; 
League City TX 77573

Galveston County Senate Districts SD4 and SD11