
Archives October 2018


Breaking News Alert

Breaking News Alert – 10/16/18

By Popular Demand , the Galveston County Republican League City Headquarters office is now open Monday Through Friday from 10am to 7pm.

The office is located at 904 East Main Street in League City.

Saturday Hours are currently 10am to 1pm. We are looking to expand those also as volunteers become available.

Yolanda-Waters pic

Chairman Update

Chairman Update – 10/9/18

We are moving our Party forward very quickly and it is important for us that you are kept informed of our progress.

A Business Plan was written for the GCRP to give us targeted direction for growing our party and getting out the vote.

Precinct Chairs received organizational training based on the business plan and separate training for Advantage Software, the app being used to block walk.

Precinct Chairs were provided with work packets including a map of their precinct, a Precinct Chair Handbook, Voter Registration cards, training schedules for poll workers, and a Handbook for Recruiting Precinct Chairs & Volunteers.

Five contests for Precinct Chairs were initiated to instill volunteerism and to help “Get Out the Vote.”

Precinct Chairs were assigned to various committees, and they are WORKING!

  • Sandra Tetley – Chair, Education & Outreach
  • Paula Smith – Director of Communications
  • Christopher Lane – GOTV

We opened TWO Campaign Headquarters:

Galveston HQ
1021 61st St., Galveston, TX
Linda Dreith, Director

North County Center
904 E. Main, League City, TX
Barbara Vollmer, Director

The GCRP website has changed and we are working to activate icons that will allow you to communicate directly with your Precinct Chairs.

We are communicating with the public through Facebook page postings daily.

The Elections Division has been completely reorganized and restaffed. Our new Elections Administrator is Alicia Youngblood.

We participated in a Diversity Workshop with State Chair, James Dickey. Galveston Delegation included Dr. Robin Armstrong, J.T. Edwards, Christopher Lane, Dr. Yolanda Waters, and Alan Waters.

We have distributed 800 Cruz yard signs and another 1,000 signs were printed with funds from a generous donor. Signs are ready for pick up at both headquarters.

We are assisting our county-wide candidates by distributing their campaign literature during block walking! Paying $10 an hour for block walkers.

A GCRP push card defining what we believe in as Republicans will be distributed by block walkers to help people identify with our Republican values.

The party phone line is (281) 554-8888 and it is being answered as calls are received.

Fundraising opportunity for your clubs! The Abbott Campaign will pay Auxiliaries who join his campaign $2.50 per Abbott voter identified. Contact Chris Lane at (409) 392-6167 for details.

Early voting is October 22nd through November 2nd. Visit galvestonvotes.org for voting locations and poll worker training schedules.

Thank you to the Clear Creek Republican Women, Friendswood Republican Women, Galveston Republican Women, Alan Waters, Don Pollock, Shannon Trochesset, and everyone working at our headquarters!

We have accomplished a lot in the eight weeks I have been in office, and together we are working diligently toward victory on November 6th!

~Dr. Yolanda Waters


Calling All Republicans

Calling All Republicans – 9/26/18

We need Volunteers!!! Click Here to sign up for shifts at our League City HQ or Click Here to sign up for shifts at the Galveston HQ.

Block Walking

Chris Lane is coordinating our Block walking!

  • There are block walks daily from 10 to 7or Chris can meet you to work a specific area.
  • Starting this week, every Saturday, block walking will consist of 4 shifts (10-2, 12-2, 2-4, 4-6).
  • Please do not hesitate to give Chris a call (409)392-6167. He is willing to create a custom made schedule to suit the needs of our volunteers and will get you set up on your cell phone with Advantage software which is being used to visit the appropriate houses. This is good way to get an entire club out to walk!

It is imperative we hit as many houses as we can! This is how we recently won the Senate Seat in San Antonio!

Campaign Literature

We need campaign literature from each county-wide campaign at each of the Headquarters. We will put together literature sets for block walking, so that all of our county-wide candidates are covered.

Campaign Literature

Campaign Literature

We need campaign literature from each county-wide campaign at each of the Headquarters. We will put together literature sets for block walking, so that all of our county-wide candidates are covered.

Want to volunteer? Click Here to sign up for shifts at our League City HQ or Click Here to sign up for shifts at the Galveston HQ.

Thank you for your help as we work hard towards victory in November!

Sandra Tetley
(409) 789-7848
Chair, Education and Outreach Committee

Sign Blitz

Sign Blitz!

The Galveston Republican Headquarters at 1021 61st Street is open Monday through Friday from 11:00am to 1:00pm and 4:30pm to 6:30pm. Saturday hours are 11:00am to 1:00pm.

Our North County Republican center at 904 E. Main in League City, TX is open Monday through Friday from 11:00am to 1:00pm.

This Saturday only, the Galveston location will be open from 11:00am to 6:30pm. Cruz, Weber, Middleton, Bonnen, and Foley signs will be available.