
GCRP Communications Committee Meeting

Galveston County Republican Party
Communications Committee Meeting

January 26 th 2021, Tuesday
The Reef Seafood House
1301 31 st ½ St N
Texas City, TX 77590

  • Call to Order
  • Invocation
  • Pledges
  • Discuss and Develop Sub Committees
    1. Social Media Sites
      • Facebook
      • Twitter
      • Linked In
      • We the people
      • Parlor
      • MeWe
      • Gab
    2. Press Releases
    3. Legislative Communications
    4. Newsletter
  • New Ideas
  • Adjourn
Paster Herman Martir presents POTUS Shield

Pastor Herman Martir Presents POTUS Shield – October 14th


Please join us in a virtual discussion on the impact of the threat to our Religious Freedom on our churches, neighborhoods, businesses, and community.

Reverend Herman Martir of Texas has a proven history of leadership development in the civic, business and faith sectors, as well as in organizing community development projects that bring diverse leaders together to help revitalize and transform neighborhoods into safe and thriving communities. Pastor Herman founded Emerging Leaders International, a diverse coalition of leaders with a mission to help business owners, Faith and civic community leaders become better overseers and decision-makers to attain success for their businesses, churches, organizations and communities. Organizations he founded have emerged as leaders in the effort to increase representation for women and minorities in the workplace and help them become innovators, entrepreneurs and achieve success. Pastor Herman consults and advises businesses that have become success stories in their industries, providing employment to many Americans.

Please join us on Wednesday, October 14 at 6 p.m

Paster Herman Martir presents POTUS Shield


Back the Blue Rally and MAGA Boat Parade

Revised Date for “Back The Blue Rally” and MAGA Boat Parade

Hosted by Judge Mark Henry, County Constable Jimmy Fullen,
Radio Talk Show Host Michel Berry and Galveston Yacht Basin

Moved to Saturday, October 24th


RPT GOP2020 logo July 16-18

Republican Party of Texas State Convention Schedule

Texas GOP Convention logo



After the polls close, the Precinct Conventions are held at the Precinct’s designated polling place. Of importance:

• This is where registered Republicans can be placed on the delegate list for the SD-11 (County), Convention.
• This is where revisions to the Party Platform can be placed on the docket for the SD-11 (County), Convention.
• Even if a Precinct does not have a chairperson, a voter registered in that Precinct can open that Precinct’s documents
and place themselves on the delegate list.
• If you can not attend the Precinct Convention, you can have someone who is attending, enter your name as a delegate.


Beginning at 9:00 AM, Creekside Intermediate School. Of importance:

• This is where registered Republicans can be placed on the delegate list for the State Convention.
• This is where revisions to the Party Platform can be placed on the docket for the State Convention.
• Registered Republicans can attend the Convention even if they are not a Precinct Delegate, but they cannot vote.

May 11th through 16th STATE CONVENTION

George R. Brown, Convention Center. Of importance:

• May 11th through 13th Monday through Wednesday Committees meet.
• Thursday, May 14th:
o Registration,
o First General Meeting,
o First Senate District Caucus,
o First Congressional District Caucus,
o Permanent Committees are Established.
• Friday, May 15th :
o Second General Meeting,
o Second Senate District Caucus,
o Third General Meeting,
• Saturday May 16th :
o Second Congressional District Caucus,
o National Nominations Committee,
o Fourth General Meeting,
o Convention Concludes

August 24th through 27th NATIONAL CONVENTION