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VIP Reception
After the polls close, the Precinct Conventions are held at the Precinct’s designated polling place. Of importance:
• This is where registered Republicans can be placed on the delegate list for the SD-11 (County), Convention.
• This is where revisions to the Party Platform can be placed on the docket for the SD-11 (County), Convention.
• Even if a Precinct does not have a chairperson, a voter registered in that Precinct can open that Precinct’s documents
and place themselves on the delegate list.
• If you can not attend the Precinct Convention, you can have someone who is attending, enter your name as a delegate.
Beginning at 9:00 AM, Creekside Intermediate School. Of importance:
• This is where registered Republicans can be placed on the delegate list for the State Convention.
• This is where revisions to the Party Platform can be placed on the docket for the State Convention.
• Registered Republicans can attend the Convention even if they are not a Precinct Delegate, but they cannot vote.
May 11th through 16th STATE CONVENTION
George R. Brown, Convention Center. Of importance:
• May 11th through 13th Monday through Wednesday Committees meet.
• Thursday, May 14th:
o Registration,
o First General Meeting,
o First Senate District Caucus,
o First Congressional District Caucus,
o Permanent Committees are Established.
• Friday, May 15th :
o Second General Meeting,
o Second Senate District Caucus,
o Third General Meeting,
• Saturday May 16th :
o Second Congressional District Caucus,
o National Nominations Committee,
o Fourth General Meeting,
o Convention Concludes
August 24th through 27th NATIONAL CONVENTION