Congressman Randy Weber

Re-Elect Randy Weber

Re-Elect Randy Weber

Randy Weber a life-long resident of the Texas Gulf Coast, a University of Houston graduate and successful small businessman. He’s a proven conservative and dedicated public servant. Previously serving on the Pearland City Council, Randy was elected to Texas House of Representatives in 2008 where he served on the Environmental Regulation and Public Education committees and was the vice chair of the Border and Intergovernmental committees. Randy was elected to his second term of Congress in 2014.

In D.C., Randy serves as the Chairman of the Energy Subcommittee on the Science, Space, Technology Committee, where has significant oversight on the Department of Energy and all matters related to energy research, development, and demonstration. He also sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee where he has been working to strengthen relations with allies and moving towards stronger policies against terrorist regimes.

Randy has been awarded the Foodservice Distribution Industry’s “Thomas Jefferson” Award, the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s “Champion of the Worker” Award, and the National Retail Federation’s “Hero of Main Street” Award. He has been a fighter to keep the reign in the EPA and keep federal government out of hard-working Texas family’s lives and wallets. He deserves your vote for a third term on November 8th.

Re-Elect Wayne Faircloth

Re-Elect Wayne Faircloth

Wayne is a fourth generation Texan and graduate of Sam Houston State University. He has lived in Galveston County for over 35 years with his wife Cheryl where they have raised their five children. As a small business owner in the insurance industry, Wayne knows the value and importance of hard work, a strong family and an involved community.

He holds endorsements and top ratings from the National Rifle Association, National Federal of Independent Business, Texas Hospital Association and the Texas Medical Association. Wayne is seeking his second term as the first Republican State Representative in District 23.