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Texas HD23 Forum – Thursday January 13th


Texas HD23 Forum

San Luis Hotel, Main Sail Ballroom, 2nd floor
Thursday January 13th
11:30 social, 12:00 meeting
Cost $20 to attend with luncheon provided.
RSVP by January 11th to Don Nurdin
Donnurdin1@hotmail.com or 281-235-2094


Patrick Gurski, J.D., with Eiland & Bonnin, P.C. in Galveston, focusing on criminal and contract law.  Native of Beaumont, TX.  A veteran who served in Afghanistan earning a Bronze Star.  Former prosecutor, presently volunteers with Galveston County Veteran’s Treatment Court, resides in Galveston with his wife and two children.


Dr. Abel Longoria M.D. is a South Texas native, a veteran, a small business owner, and a board-certified Emergency Medicine Physician.

In the U.S. Army, Longoria answered his nation’s call to service on many occasions. He served in Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom, and was awarded the Bronze Star. When the nation stood still after 9/11, Longoria went to New York City to help. He acted as the “Medical Director of Ground Zero” for 14 days immediately following the attacks.

For more information, please visit our website


Terri Leo-Wilson is a retired teacher and program head for special needs students.  A native of Minnesota, Terri has worked in Texas politics for the last 40 years working on the issues the Republicans care about. She recently received the Tribute to Women award from TFRW for her grassroots work in the party. Terri was elected to three terms on the State Board of Education. and to the State Republican Executive Committee Women. She has five children and four grandchildren and  lives with her husband in Galveston.


 Gina Smith, Ph.D, is a psychologist focused on helping those confronting mental health struggles.  She is a native of CA, who presently resides in Baycliff, Tx. with her husband and one daughter.



This is not an endorsement of the Galveston County GOP. This is for informational purposes only.

Terri Leo Wilson meet and greet

Campaign Meet and Greet – Terri Leo Wilson

Please come out to our Meet and Greet for candidate Terri Leo Wilson
for House District 23

I want to hear your concerns and tell you a little more about myself.
Hope to see you there!

Terri Leo Wilson-Floyds Meet and Greet


This is not an endorsement of the Galveston County GOP. This is for informational purposes only.

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Galveston Island Pachyderm Club – Wayne Christian

Galveston Island Pachyderm Club
All Guests are welcome

GUEST SPEAKER: Wayne Christian, Candidate for Railroad Commissioner

Thursday, January 6th, 2022

Coastal Grill, 1827 Strand Street, Galveston Tx
11:30 for Social, cash bar. Extensive lunch menu
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Meeting

Wayne Christian for Railroad CommissionerA lifelong conservative businessman, Wayne Christian was elected as our 50th Texas Railroad Commissioner in November 2016. Throughout his first term, Christian developed a strong record of fighting against frivolous regulations and standing strong for free markets and American Energy Dominance!

Since taking office, Commissioner Christian has been appointed by Governor Greg Abbott to the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission as the Official Representative of Texas. Through this role, Christian has been a national leader on the forefront of fighting against Biden Administration efforts like the Green New Deal, CLEAN Future Act, and the Paris Climate Agreement.

Christian understands that big government increases costs for consumers and kills high paying jobs, while harming our economy and national security. He believes all regulations should be consistent, predictable, and based on sound science.

A clean environment and a thriving oil and gas industry are not mutually exclusive. Since 1970, the six major pollutants regulated by the EPA have decreased 77% while our economy has grown 285%, population has grown 60%, and our energy consumption has grown 48%.


This is not an endorsement of the Galveston County GOP. This is for informational purposes only.

Texas Gulf Coast Republican Women – Monday November 15th

Texas Gulf Coast Republican Women Monday November 15th, 2021 and bring a guest!

Texas Gulf Coast Republican WomenOur speakers will be Galveston County Precinct 2 Constable Jimmy Fullen and Galveston County Precinct 4 Constable Justin West.

Constables Fullen and West are going to provide an update on the crisis on the border and the work they have been doing to help in Kinney County. You won’t want to miss this!