
Galveston County Vote on Redistricting This Friday 11-12-2021

Calling all Galveston County Republicans!

The Galveston County Commissioners will be voting this Friday on a redistricting plan for Galveston County.

There are two maps being considered.

Map 2 will add a much needed coastal district and will reflect the changing demographics of Galveston County. Map 2 will also help to keep Galveston County Red!

You can view the maps here:
   https://www.galvestoncountytx.gov/our-county/county-judge/redistrictingWe need you to show up Friday and add your voice and encourage our County Commissioners to vote for map 2!

You can also click the link above and add a public comment to encourage our commissioners to vote for map 2!
The meeting details are:
This Friday 11/12/2021
1:30 PM
North County Annex

174 Calder Dr.
League City


Proposed Galveston County Redistricting for 2021 Map 1


Proposed Galveston County Redistricting 2021 Map 2

Galveston Island Pachyderm logo

Galveston Island Pachyderm Club – Thursday December 2nd 2021

Galveston Island Pachyderm Club
All guests are welcome

GUEST SPEAKER: James White, Candidate for Agriculture Commissioner

Thursday, December 2nd 2021

Coastal Grill, 1827 Strand Street, Galveston Tx
11:30 for Social, cash bar. Extensive lunch menu
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Meeting

James-White,-Agricultural-CommissionerA lifelong conservative, James White served in the U.S. Army with the Berlin Brigade during the demise of the Soviet Union, and saw firsthand the destructive power of socialism. Throughout his six terms in the Texas House, White has stood strong for border security, reducing taxes and spending, and eliminating the bureaucratic red tape that harms small business and economic growth. A-Rated by the National Rifle Association and leading pro-life groups, we can trust White to stand strong for Texas values.

White was an early supporter of President Donald Trump, serving as an advisory board member for Black Voices for Trump. As our next Agriculture Commissioner, you can trust he will fight back against the far-left extremists to ensure Texas continues to lead the nation and provide the food, fiber, and fuel America relies on!  James White supports small farmers!


Galveston Republican Women’s Holiday/Craft Market

Calling All Vendors!!


Galveston Republican Women
is excited to once again bring to you, a range of crafts and specialty items at its Holiday/Craft Market. The event takes place at our November meeting. Twelve vendor tables are available, and we want YOU to have first dibs. It’s a great time to display and sell your items to fellow Republicans. Reservations are on a first call basis, so call today and reserve your space. We already have 5 tables booked – don’t miss out! Here are details:

Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Place: Hilton Hotel, Seawall Blvd., Galveston, Texas

Set up: 10:00 AM
Market: 11:00 AM-12:00PM (noon)(Break for luncheon meeting)
Lunch/Meeting: 12:00PM-1:00PM
Resume Market: 1:00PM-2:30PM

A 6 (six) foot table and chair will be provided for vendors.

Luncheon Meeting: $25 ($28 credit card). Let me know when you sign up if you plan on attending the luncheon meeting. Otherwise, you are welcome to remain at your vendor table during the luncheon meeting.

Thanking you in advance.
Linda Buckley, Chair
Tel: 281-468-1337 or 409-935-2577
Email: Bayou1312@yahoo.com


Critical Race Theory with Dr. Richard Johnson

Galveston Island Pachyderm Club

GUEST SPEAKER:  Dr. Richard A. Johnson III.
Director, Booker T. Washington Initiative
Texas Public Policy Foundation

Topic: Critical Race Theory, CRT

Thursday – October 7th

Coastal Grill
1827 Strand Street

After 11:30 for Social, cash bar. Extensive lunch menu
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Meeting


Dr.-Richard-A.-Johnson-IIIRichard A. Johnson, Ed.D., is the director of the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Booker T. Washington Initiative, which examines the effects of public policy on African-American communities. Previously, Johnson served as a chief of staff in both municipal and state governments. As chief of staff for a Houston City Council member, he played a significant role in drafting and navigating policies related to public safety, public works, and housing and community development.

During the 85th and 86th Texas Legislatures, he served as a chief of staff and a senior policy analyst for a House member and worked on education, public safety, healthcare, A Texas native, Johnson has an Ed.D. in education administration and an M.A. in clinical psychology from Texas Southern University.  He received a B.A. in history  and government from Wiley College.and workforce development legislation.


WE NEED YOU! for CCRW Food for Thought Fundraiser

Republican banner - stars

Ya’ll… we didn’t have a fundraiser last year and we have a big election next March so we really are hoping to make this annual fundraiser a good one!

So, CCRW is in need of your help – in the form of sponsors, cooking skills, auction items and of course – EATERS!!

Oct 29th – 6:30-8:30  PM

The website has ALL of the details but let me break it down ….


Thank you Dr. Greg Bonnen, Jimmy Fullen & Jeth Jones for being a sponsor!

Thank you to our chefs so far – Dr Greg Bonnen, Darrell Picard, Brittany King, Debra Niblack, Loretta Roberts & Andrew Tugwell, Greg Rikard, Jeth Jones & Randy/Brenda Weber

Thank you to auction donators – Debra Niblack, Linda Duryea, Dr. Greg Bonnen, Cynthia Tauss, Glenda Willis and Jackie Irwin


Sponsors –

Check out the website (scroll down for Sponsorship info once you land on the event page) and contact me or go ahead and fill out the sponsor form and then email/mail it in and pay via Paypal or mail your check.

Chefs – 

We need MORE! We have 9 and hope to have at least 30 chefs. So, all you need to do is cook your fab dish, enough for about fifty 4 oz sample serving size tastings and bring it prepared, crock pot or already in a cup/bowl or whatever… bring your serving utensils, and serving dishes (paper plates, etc) and WOO us with your culinary skills.  All this is on the website!

Taste Testers – 

TICKETS WILL BE continue to be available online or at the Oct 1 meeting. Only $20 or $10/kids to come, eat and enjoy fellowship with fellow Republicans.

Auction – 

Get ready for Christmas AND help us earn more for this fundraiser. So if you have something you would like to donate for the auction, please contact me and we will need to catch up at some point to get that from you.

You do NOT need to be a member in order to attend, sponsor, donate, cook or eat. Please contact me should you be interested in being a Chef OR a Sponsor, have an auction item or other questions.

~Kristen Day & Events Committee
