Ya’ll… we didn’t have a fundraiser last year and we have a big election next March so we really are hoping to make this annual fundraiser a good one!
So, CCRW is in need of your help – in the form of sponsors, cooking skills, auction items and of course – EATERS!!
Oct 29th – 6:30-8:30 PM
The website has ALL of the details but let me break it down ….
Thank you Dr. Greg Bonnen, Jimmy Fullen & Jeth Jones for being a sponsor!
Thank you to our chefs so far – Dr Greg Bonnen, Darrell Picard, Brittany King, Debra Niblack, Loretta Roberts & Andrew Tugwell, Greg Rikard, Jeth Jones & Randy/Brenda Weber
Thank you to auction donators – Debra Niblack, Linda Duryea, Dr. Greg Bonnen, Cynthia Tauss, Glenda Willis and Jackie Irwin
Sponsors –
Check out the website (scroll down for Sponsorship info once you land on the event page) and contact me or go ahead and fill out the sponsor form and then email/mail it in and pay via Paypal or mail your check.
Chefs –
We need MORE! We have 9 and hope to have at least 30 chefs. So, all you need to do is cook your fab dish, enough for about fifty 4 oz sample serving size tastings and bring it prepared, crock pot or already in a cup/bowl or whatever… bring your serving utensils, and serving dishes (paper plates, etc) and WOO us with your culinary skills. All this is on the website!
Taste Testers –
TICKETS WILL BE continue to be available online or at the Oct 1 meeting. Only $20 or $10/kids to come, eat and enjoy fellowship with fellow Republicans.
Auction –
Get ready for Christmas AND help us earn more for this fundraiser. So if you have something you would like to donate for the auction, please contact me and we will need to catch up at some point to get that from you.
You do NOT need to be a member in order to attend, sponsor, donate, cook or eat. Please contact me should you be interested in being a Chef OR a Sponsor, have an auction item or other questions.
~Kristen Day & Events Committee